Created on:
Jun 9, 2023
15 minutes,
37 questions
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Theme: Saul's Conversion
37 Trivia Questions and Answers
Temples Guard
High Priest
It permitted him to excommunicate Christians from the Synagogues.
It permitted him to arrest and execute Christians.
It permitted him to arrest and transport any Christian to Jerusalem.
It permitted him to arrest and transport Jewish Christians.
He remained motionless.
He became weak.
He fell down.
He screamed.
"Art thou the Lord?"
"Who art thou, Lord?"
"What am I to do, Lord?"
"What have I done wrong, Lord?"
They heard someone speaking but they could not see the person.
They stood speechless because they could not see Saul anymore.
They stood speechless because Paul had gone blind.
They stood speechless because they were astonished that Saul was talking to
Saul responded that he was sorry for what he had done.
Saul responded that he did not know he was wrong.
Saul responded that what had he done wrong
Saul asked what would Jesus have him do.
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
4 Days
When he was blind.
East Wind
In the house of Judas
In the house of Simeon
In the house of Aeneas
InIn the house of the tanner
He insisted because Saul was then pathetic.
He had chosen Saul to preach his name to the people.
He insisted because Saul was not as bad as they thought.
He insisted because Saul did all those bad things ignorantly.
He was to provide for Saul.
He restored Saul's sight.
He was to impart the Holy Spirit to Saul.
He was to introduce Saul to the believers.
Something like a blindfold.
Something like a scale.
Something like darkness disappeared
A light shined in his eyes.
In the temple of Jerusalem
In the streets
In the colosseum
In the Synagogues
It resulted in an uproar.
It resulted in persecution against the Christians in Damascus.
It resulted in their attempt to kill him.
The Jews attempted to kill him.
He passed through the gates in disguise.
He passed through the gates of the city by night.
His fellow Christians let him down the city wall in a basket.
He descended the walls of Damascus by a rope.
They were all afraid of him.
It was because Saul was still in alliance with the high priest.
It was because they did not believe he had converted to Christianity.
It was because Saul was still reporting on Christians to the chief priests.
They made him live in Jerusalem in disguise.
They hid him for a very long time.
They brought Saul to Caesarea and sent him to Tarsus.
They sent him away by night to Damascus.
The church had rest.
The church lived in fear.
The church was under persecution.
The believers left their cities for other places.
He was insane.
He was a paralytic.
He was a leper.
He was epileptic.
7 Years
13 Years
3 Years
8 Years
It resulted in the conversion of people to Christianity.
It resulted in the persecution of the believers.
It resulted in Peter's fame.
It resulted in the salvation of Aeneas' family.
She was full of good works.
She was a teacher of the right.
She fought for the welfare of the believers.
She gave alms.
Stoned to death
Stabbed to death
It was laid in the synagogue.
It was laid in an upper chamber.
It was laid in the basement.
It was laid in a secret room.
They showed Peter the coats and garments which Tabitha made.
They wept
They prayed
They narrated to Peter how she died.
Many brought the sick to Peter for healing.
Many acknowledged Peter as a prophet.
Many feared the believers and persecuted them no more.
Many accepted Jesus Christ.
In the house of Simon the tanner.
In the house of John Mark
In the house of Tabitha
In the house of Aeneas
He put out all the believers with him in the room Tabitha was laid
He knelt down and prayed
He commanded Tabitha's corpse to rise
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