Created on:
Jun 12, 2023
1 hour, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
200 questions
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This flag quiz shows you a flag and you have to type in the answer for the Country it belongs to. This flags quiz plans to have more than 250 flags. As of June 21, it has 200. Credit to Wikimedia for the flags and Wikidata for the alternative names for the countries.
200 Trivia Questions and Answers
United States of America, the United States of America, America, U.S.A., USA, U.S., US, the US, the USA, US of A, the United States, U. S. A., U. S., the States, the U.S., United States, US of America, the U.S.A., the US of America, the US of A, the U.S. of A, the U.S. of America, U.S. of America
India, Republic of India, Bharat, Bharatvarsh, Hindustan, IN, IND, 🇮🇳, Bharata, Hindoostan, Indostan, Bharat Ganarajya
Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Deutschland, GER, BR Deutschland, DE, BRD, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, de, GFR
France, fr, FR, Republic of France, French Republic, FRA, the Hexagon
Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, AU, AUS, au, 🇦🇺, Straya, Aussieland, Oz, Stralia, New Holland, New Hollandia, Nova Hollandia
United Kingdom, 🇬🇧, UK, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, U.K., GBR, GB, U. K., U K, G.B., G. B., G B, Great Britain, G.B.R., G B R, Britain, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The UK
Canada, Dominion of Canada, British North America, CAN, CA
Mexico, MX, mx, United Mexican States, Mexican Republic, MEX, 🇲🇽, US of M, MXN
Scotland, Alba, SCT, Caledonia, Scot, SC, UK-SC, UK-SCT
Russia, Rossiya, Rossija, RU, ru, RUS, Rossijskaja Federatsija, Russian Federation, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, RF, Российская Федерация, Россия, Federation of Russia
Spain, Kingdom of Spain, ES, ESP, 🇪🇸
Philippines, PH, ph, 🇵🇭, Republic of the Philippines, The Philippines, Philippine Islands, PHL, PHI, RP
Italy, Italia, Italian Republic, IT, 🇮🇹, ITA, Republic of Italy, Repubblica Italiana
People's Republic of China, China, CN, PR China, PRC, cn, CHN, 🇨🇳, China PR, Mainland China, RPC
Japan, State of Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, Nihon, Nippon, JP, Nippon-koku, Nihon-koku, JPN, jp, JAP, Jap, JA, Ja, 🇯🇵, Iapan, Iapon
Republic of Ireland, Éire, IE, IRL, Hibernia, ie, 🇮🇪, Eire, Southern Ireland, Ireland (state), Ireland
Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, BR, BRA, br, 🇧🇷, Brasil
New Zealand, NZ, NZL, Dominion of New Zealand, Aotearoa, nz, 🇳🇿, Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zeeland, Zeelandia Nova, Nova Zelandia, Zelandia Nova
South Korea, Republic of Korea, ROK, kr, Rep. Korea, S. Korea, Korea Republic, 🇰🇷, KOR, Hanguk, Daehan Minguk, Daehanminguk, SK, Korea (South)
South Africa, Republic of South Africa, RSA, SA, za, 🇿🇦, zaf, Mzanzi
Afghanistan, 🇦🇫, AFG, af
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Persia, ir, Islamic Rep. Iran, 🇮🇷, irn
Wales, WAL, WLS, Cymru, Cambria
Malaysia, my, Federation of Malaysia, Malaysia Federation, MAS, MYS, 🇲🇾
Poland, POL, Republic of Poland, PL, Polska, 🇵🇱
Netherlands, Holland, the Netherlands, NL, NED, Nederland, nl, 🇳🇱
Ukraine, UA, UKR, Ukrainia, 🇺🇦, Ukr., Ukraina, the Ukraine, Ukraïna, Urkrain
Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Pakistan, 🇵🇰, pk, PAK
Greece, Hellenic Republic, Hellas, gr, el, 🇬🇷, Greek Republic, GRE, Ellada, Greek
Nepal, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, NEP, 🇳🇵, NP, NPL
Portugal, Portuguese Republic, PT, 🇵🇹, PRT, POR
Turkey, TUR, TR, Republic of Türkiye, Türkiye, Republic of Turkey
Argentina, 🇦🇷, ARG, Arjentina, AR, Argentine Republic, ar, Republic of Argentina
Egypt, Republic of Egypt, eg, EGY, 🇪🇬, Arab Republic of Egypt, Arab Rep. Egypt, Rep. Egypt
Liberia, Republic of Liberia, lr, 🇱🇷, LBR
Saudi Arabia, 🇸🇦, KSA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, sa
Israel, State of Israel, il, 🇮🇱, the Jewish state, ISR
Denmark, DK, Danmark, DNK, DEK, dk, 🇩🇰, DEN, TAN, Denmark proper, metropolitan Denmark
Sweden, Kingdom of Sweden, 🇸🇪, SE, se, SWE, Sverige, Konungariket Sverige
Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, SUI, Swiss, CHE, CH, Confoederatio Helvetica
Cuba, Republic of Cuba, cu, 🇨🇺, CUB
Singapore, Republic of Singapore, SG, sg, 🇸🇬, Singapore City, SGP, Lion City, Garden City, SIN, S'pore
Romania, Roumania, Rumania, România, ro, 🇷🇴
Colombia, 🇨🇴, República de Colombia, Republic of Colombia, COL, CO, ISO 3166-1:CO, Republica de Colombia, The Republic of Colombia, Colombiá
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, VN, VIE, 🇻🇳, Việt Nam, Viet Nam, SRV, VNM
Taiwan, Republic of China, Chunghwa Minkwo, Chunghwa Minkuo, Formosa, Nationalist China, Free China, Free area of the Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, 🇹🇼, TW, ROC, Taiwan ROC, TWN, TPE, Nanasian, Taywan, Taivang, Ilaod, Taivangʉ
Jamaica, JA, Commonwealth of Jamaica, jm, 🇯🇲, JAM
Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, id, ID, INA, IDN
Nigeria, Federal Republic of Nigeria, 🇳🇬, NG, FRN, NGA, NGR, Naija
Austria, Österreich, Republik Österreich, AT, AUT, 🇦🇹, Republic of Austria
Norway, Kingdom of Norway, NO, NOR, 🇳🇴
Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium, BEL, be, 🇧🇪, BE, Koninkrijk België, Royaume de Belgique, Königreich Belgien, Belgien
United Arab Emirates, U.A.E., 🇦🇪, UAE, ae, Emirates, the United Arab Emirates, the UAE, the U.A.E., the Emirates
Haiti, Republic of Haiti, ht, Hayti, HT, République d'Haïti, Haitian Republic, Ayiti, 🇭🇹, HAI
Albania, Republic of Albania, Republika e Shqipërisë, Shqipërisë, 🇦🇱, ALB, People's Socialist Republic of Albania, People's Republic of Albania, Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqiperise, Republika Popullore e Shqiperise, AL
Libya, State of Libya, ly, 🇱🇾, LBA
Georgia, Republic of Georgia, GE, 🇬🇪, GEO, Sakartvelo, საქართველო
Bangladesh, bd, 🇧🇩, BAN, People's Republic of Bangladesh
Iraq, Republic of Iraq, al-‘Irāq, Jumhūriyyat al-‘Irāq, Komar-i ‘Êraq, iq, 🇮🇶, IRQ, العراق
Thailand, Kingdom of Thailand, th, Siam, 🇹🇭, Land of Slimes, THA
Peru, pe, Republic of Peru, República del Perú, 🇵🇪, Republica del Peru, per
Belarus, 🇧🇾, White Russia, White Ruthenia, Republic of Belarus, by, Byeloruss, BLR, Bielorussia, Belorussia, Byelorussia, Respublika Belarus', Respublika Bielaruś, Bielaruś, Беларусь, Рэспубліка Беларусь, Республика Беларусь
Chile, cl, República de Chile, 🇨🇱, Republica de Chile, Republic of Chile, CHI
Morocco, Kingdom of Morocco, Marocco, al-Maġrib, Lmaġrib, Maroc, ma, 🇲🇦, MAR
Mozambique, Moçambique, República de Moçambique, MZ, MOZ, mz, 🇲🇿, Republic of Mozambique
Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, et, 🇪🇹, ETH
Hungary, hu, 🇭🇺, HUN
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, BR Venezuela, VE, 🇻🇪, Estados Unidos de Venezuela, Vzla, VEN
Finland, Republic of Finland, Finnia, Land of Thousand Lakes, fi, Suomi, Suomen tasavalta, Republiken Finland, 🇫🇮, FIN, Šuomi
Lebanon, 🇱🇧, LBN, Lebanese Republic, lb, Republic of Lebanon, Lubnan
North Korea, 🇰🇵, PRK, kp, Kore Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti, KDHC, Dem. Kore Cumhuriyeti, Kuzey Kore, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK, N. Korea, DPR Korea
Dominican Republic, República Dominicana, 🇩🇴, RD, DR, Republica Dominicana, Dominicana, DO
Croatia, Republic of Croatia, HR, HRV, CRO, RH
Myanmar, Burma, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Union of Burma, MM, 🇲🇲, BUR, MYA
Guatemala, gt, 🇬🇹, Republic of Guatemala, GUA
Kenya, Republic of Kenya, KE, KEN, ke, 🇰🇪
Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republika Srbija, Srbija, SRB, RS
Cambodia, Kingdom of Cambodia, kh, 🇰🇭, Kampuchea, Camboya, Campuchia, Kamboja, Kambodzha
Costa Rica, Republic of Costa Rica, 🇨🇷, cr, CRI, CRC
Isle of Man, Ellan Vannin, Mann, the Isle of Man, im, Manx, 🇮🇲, Isle of Mann, Mannin, Man, I. Man, I. Mann, I. M., I. Mannin
Ghana, Republic of Ghana, gh, GHA
El Salvador, sv, Republic of El Salvador, ESA, Salvador
State of Palestine, Palestine, Palestinian National Authority, Palestinian Authority, 🇵🇸
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia, BiH, Bosnia & Herzegovina, B&H, 🇧🇦, BIH, ba, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Czech Republic, CZR, Česko, Česká republika, ČR, CZE, CZ, Czechia
Estonia, Republic of Estonia, Estland, Eesti, ee, EST, 🇪🇪, Eesti Vabariik
Lithuania, 🇱🇹, LTU, LT, Republic of Lithuania, Lietuva, Lietuvos Respublika
Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador, ec, ecu, ECU, EC, Republic of the Equator, The Ecuadorian State, 🇪🇨
Armenia, 🇦🇲, Hayastan, Republic of Armenia, ARM, AM, Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն
Bulgaria, Country of Cois, BGR, BUL, Republic of Bulgaria, bg, 🇧🇬
Bolivia, bo, 🇧🇴, Plurinational State of Bolivia, bol, Republic of Bolivia, BOL
Iceland, Republic of Iceland, is, Island, 🇮🇸, ISL, Ysland
Ivory Coast, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, ci, Cote d'Ivoire, 🇨🇮, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, Côte-d'Ivoire, Cote d'lvoire, Cote d'lvoire, Côte d’Ivoire, Cote Ivoire, Republic of Ivory Coast, Cote-d'Ivoire, Republic of the Ivory Coast, The Ivory Coast, CIV, Côte d'Ivoire
Fiji, Republic of Fiji, fj, 🇫🇯, FIJ, Republic of the Fiji Islands, Viti, Fijī, फ़िजी, Matanitu Tugalala o Viti, फ़िजी गणराज्य, Fijī Gaṇarājya
Qatar, qa, State of Qatar, 🇶🇦, qat
Vatican City, Vatican City State, Papal State, Vatican, va, 🇻🇦, The Vatican, vat, Status Civitatis Vaticanae, Stato della Città del Vaticano, Città del Vaticano, Civitas Vaticana, State of Vatican City
Uganda, Republic of Uganda, ug, 🇺🇬, UGA, The pearl of Africa, UG, The Republic of Uganda
Azerbaijan, 🇦🇿, AZE, Republic of Azerbaijan, az, Azərbaycan, Azərbaycan Respublikası
Uruguay, República Oriental del Uruguay, uy, 🇺🇾, URU, Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Mongolia, mn, Mongol uls, MNG, MGL, 🇲🇳
Honduras, hn, 🇭🇳, Republic of Honduras, Honduran Republic, HON
Panama, Republic of Panama, pa, 🇵🇦
Malta, Republic of Malta, 🇲🇹, MLT, MT
Angola, 🇦🇴, ANG, Republic of Angola, ao, Ngola
Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, kz, Qazaqstan, KAZ, 🇰🇿
Bhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan, bt, BHU, 🇧🇹
Somalia, Federal Republic of Somalia, so, 🇸🇴, SOM
Cyprus, 🇨🇾, Greek Cypriot State, Republic of Cyprus, Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus, CY, CYP
Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe, Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 🇿🇼, zw, ZIM
Monaco, Principality of Monaco, mc, 🇲🇨, MON, Fort-Hercule, Principality and Diocese of Monaco, Principauté de Monaco, Mùnegu, Prinçipatu de Mùnegu, Principato di Monaco, Principatu de Mu̍negu
Chad, Republic of Chad, td, 🇹🇩, CHA, GUM
Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, JO, JOR, jo, Kingdom of Jordan, 🇯🇴, Yarden, Giordania
Slovakia, Slovak Republic, sk, 🇸🇰, SVK
Brittany, Breizh, Bretagne, Region of Brittany
Paraguay, Republic of Paraguay, py, 🇵🇾, Heart of South America, pry
Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, dz, 🇩🇿, ALG
Belize, bz
Greenland, gl, 🇬🇱, Groenland, Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenlandia
Leichtenstein, LI, Principality of Liechtenstein, FL, li, 🇱🇮, LIE
Sudan, Republic of the Sudan, as-Sūdān, sd, North Sudan, the Sudan, 🇸🇩, Republic of Sudan, SUD, Soudan, as-Sudan, al-Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC, DR Congo, Congo-Kinshasa, Zaire, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, cd, Dem. Republic of the Congo, Dem. Republic of Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, 🇨🇩, COD, D.R.C.
Latvia, lv, 🇱🇻, LVA, Leţmо̄ Vabāmо̄, Leţmо̄, Republic of Latvia, Latvian Republic, Latvija, LAT, Latveja, Latvijas Republika, Latvejas Republika
Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, LU, lu, 🇱🇺, LUX, Lëtzebuerg, Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Großherzogtum Luxemburg
Slovenia, Slovenija, Republika Slovenija, si, 🇸🇮, svn, slo, Republic of Slovenia, SLO
Nicaragua, ni, 🇳🇮, Republic of Nicaragua, NIC, NI, NCA
Barbados, BB, bb, 🇧🇧, BAR, Barbadoes
Laos, Lao People's Democratic Republic, la, Lao PDR, LAO, 🇱🇦
Moldova, md, Republic of Moldova, Moldavia, Republica Moldova, 🇲🇩, MDA
Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, tt, 🇹🇹, TTO, TRI, Trinidad & Tobago
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Muritanya, Agawej, Gànnaar, Murutaane, Moritani, mr, 🇲🇷, Gannaar, MTN, Mauretania
Tunisia, Republic of Tunisia, Tunisian Republic, tn, 🇹🇳, TUN
Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, PNG, pg, 🇵🇬
Bahrain, bh, Kingdom of Bahrain, 🇧🇭, BAH, Bahrein Islands
Kosovo, Republic of Kosovo, XK, KOS, XKX, KV, 🇽🇰
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, tz, 🇹🇿, United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, tza
Dominica, Commonwealth of Dominica, The Commonwealth of Dominica, 🇩🇲, dm, DOM, DMA, Wai‘tu kubuli, Wai'tu kubuli
Montenegro, me, 🇲🇪, MNE, Crna Gora
Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, uz, 🇺🇿, UZB
Rwanda, Republic of Rwanda, rw, 🇷🇼
The Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, bs, 🇧🇸, Bahama Islands, Bahamas, BAH
Zambia, Republic of Zambia, zm, ZAM, 🇿🇲
North Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia, MKD, FYROM, FYR Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 🇲🇰, NM, MK, Republic of Macedonia
Yemen, Republic of Yemen, ye, Rep. Yemen, 🇾🇪, YEM
Guyana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, gy, Republic of Guyana, 🇬🇾, GUY
Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius, Maurice, Moris, mu, 🇲🇺, MRI
Andorra, Principality of Andorra, Principality of the Valleys of Andorra, AND, Principat d'Andorra, AD
Kuwait, 🇰🇼, State of Kuwait, kw, KUW
Cameroon, 🇨🇲, CMR, CAM, CM, Republic of Cameroon
Brunei, bn, 🇧🇳, BRN, BRU, Nation of Brunei the Abode of Peace, Brunei Darussalam, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Turkmenistan, Turkmenia, tm, TKM, 🇹🇲
Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Republic, kg, Kirgizia, 🇰🇬, KGZ, Xbox, Microsoft Xbox
Oman, om, 🇴🇲, Sultanate of Oman, سلطنت عمان, omn
Seychelles, Republic of Seychelles, sc, 🇸🇨, SEY
Sierra Leone, Republic of Sierra Leone, sl, 🇸🇱, SLE
Eritrea, State of Eritrea, Ertrā, Iritriyā, er, 🇪🇷, ERI, IRI
Madagascar, mg, 🇲🇬, Republic of Madagascar, MAD
Tonga, 🇹🇴, to, Kingdom of Tonga, TGA, Friendly Islands, Tonga Islands
Malawi, Republic of Malawi, mw, 🇲🇼, MAW
Namibia, Republic of Namibia, na, 🇳🇦, NAM
South Sudan, Republic of South Sudan, Southern Sudan, ss, 🇸🇸, SSD
Niger, Republic of Niger, Republic Niger, ne, 🇳🇪, The Niger, Republic of the Niger
Samoa, Western Samoa, Independent State of Samoa, ws, 🇼🇸, SAM
Senegal, Republic of Senegal, sn, 🇸🇳, SEN
Grenada, gd, 🇬🇩, GRN
Bermuda, Somers Isles, Bermuda Islands, Atlantic/Bermuda, Bermudian Islands, Bermoothes, Virgineola, The Somers Isles, Summers' Isles, Territory of Bermuda, Bermudas, Somers Islands, Colony of Bermuda, Devil's Isles, Summer's Isles, Isle of Devils, bm, 🇧🇲, Barmuda, Barmuda Islands, Barmudas, Barmuda I., Barmuda Isl.
Mali, Republic of Mali, ml, 🇲🇱, MLI
Lesotho, Kingdom of Lesotho, ls, 🇱🇸, LES
Tajikistan, Republic of Tajikistan, tj, 🇹🇯, TJK
Botswana, bw, 🇧🇼, Republic of Botswana, Lefatshe la Botswana, BOT
Saint Lucia, lc, St. Lucia, St Lucia, 🇱🇨, Iyonola, Hewanorra, lca
Antigua and Barbuda, ag, 🇦🇬, ANT
Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo Republic, République du Congo, Republic of Congo, cg, Rep. Congo, 🇨🇬, Republique du Congo, Congo (Brazzaville), CGO, Congo
Cape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, CV, CPV, cv, 🇨🇻, Republic of Cabo Verde
Togo, Togolese Republic, tg, 🇹🇬, TOG
Gabon, Gabonese Republic, République Gabonaise, ga, 🇬🇦, Republique Gabonaise, GAB
Gibraltar, gi, Gib, The Rock of Gibraltar, 🇬🇮
Suriname, Surinam, Republic of Suriname, Republic of Surinam, Dutch Guiana, sr, 🇸🇷, SUR, Surrinam
Palau, Republic of Palau, Belau, Pelew, pw, Republic of Belau, 🇵🇼, Pelew islands
Burkina Faso, bf, 🇧🇫
San Marino, sm, 🇸🇲, Most Serene Republic of San Marino, SMR
Benin, Dahomey, bj, 🇧🇯, BEN, Republic of Benin
Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, gq, 🇬🇶, GEQ
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, vc, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Vincent, St. Vincent, St Vincent, 🇻🇨, vct
Tuvalu, Ellice Islands, tv, 🇹🇻, TUV
Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu, vu, 🇻🇺, vut, van, VAN
Kiribati, Republic of Kiribati, 🇰🇮, ki, KIR
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, kn, St. Kitts and Nevis, St Kitts and Nevis, 🇰🇳, St. Kitts & Nevis, Kitts & Nevis, kna
Cook Islands, ck, COK, Hervey Islands
Burundi, Republic of Burundi, bi, 🇧🇮, Republika y'Uburundi, Gouvernement du Burundi, BDI
Western Sahara, West Sahara, Spanish Sahara, EH
Abkhazia, Abkhasia, Abkazia, Abchasia, Abkhaziya
Niue, Niuē, nu, 🇳🇺
Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Jabuuti, Gabuuti, Jībūtī, dj, 🇩🇯, DJI
East Timor, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, tl, 🇹🇱, Democratic Republic of East Timor, TLS, Timor Leste, Timor-Leste
Guinea, Guinea-Conakry, Republic of Guinea, République de Guinée, gn, 🇬🇳, Republique de Guinee, GUI
Faeroe Islands, Atlantic/Faroe, Fareo islands, Faeroyene, Far Oer, Faeroerne, Faer Oer, Faroe Isles, Faroer, Färöer, Faeroe Isles, Faroes, Faroese Islands, Foroyar, Faeroes, Faeroer, Føroyar, Faroe Island, Færøer, Færeyjar, Fær Øer, Faeroe Is, Færøyene, Færøerne, Faröe Islands, Sheep Islands, Færoes, fo, 🇫🇴, the Faroe Islands, the Faeroe Islands, Farre, Farre Islands, Farre I., Farre Is., Farre Isl.
Aruba, America/Aruba, Island of Aruba, aw, 🇦🇼, ARU
Cayman Islands, ky, 🇰🇾, CAY
Eswatini, Kingdom of Eswatini, sz, SWZ, 🇸🇿, Umbuso weSwatini, eSwatini, Swaziland, Kingdom of Swaziland
Jersey, je, 🇯🇪, Balliwick of Jersey, Bailiwick of Jersey, Bailliage de Jersey, Bailliage de Jèrri, Jèrri, Jerri, Bailliage de Jerri, Iersey, I. Iersey, Iersey I., Jersey Island, Jersey I., Isle of Jersey, I. Jersey
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