Create Trivia for Anything

We make it quick and easy to create unlimited trivia templates for 100% free.

“Website was very easy to use and very self explanatory. Considering I have never used it before, it was very obvious as to how to make the quiz and very easy to adjust to. It also ran very smoothly and did not have any problems at all. Overall, I enjoyed creating the quiz and as it was so simple I will definitely make more.”


TriviaCreator Features

Create Your Own Trivia

Every Authenticated user can create a private or public trivia templates.

Social Sharing

It's easy to share your quiz or quiz score on social media.

User Feedback

Rate and comment on trivia templates to provide feedback.

No Authenticated Required

Anyone can play trivia.

Multiple Question Formats

Questions can use multiple choice, true or false or text answer inputs.

Points and Leaderboards

Earn points for playing and creating trivia to climb the user leaderboard.

Display Mode new

Dark and Light mode are supported.

Realtime new

Play trivia in realtime and compete with your friends or followers.

Clone Templates new

Easily clone an existing template instead of starting from scratch.

Notifications beta

Receive realtime rating and comment notifications.