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354 Movie quizzes that you can play solo, 1v1 or a live group competition. 5,493 free Movie trivia questions & answers.
Movie trivia and quizzes. Play movie trivia online solo or compete in realtime with friends.
Random Animated Movie Trivia
15,382 players
Guess the Movie from a Terrible Description
Jayme Gratton
9,948 players
Popular Movie Quote Quiz
6,682 players
Marvel Movie Trivia — Phases 1-3
Peyton Burnett
3,678 players
Classic Movie Trivia Questions (Rapid Fire)
3,441 players
Ultimate “The 100” Quiz! (50 Questions and Answers)
Jennifer H
2,723 players
Can You Guess the Movie by the Picture?
Lisa Tomanelli
2,340 players
The Ultimate Wicked Movie Trivia Quiz
2,103 players
The Ultimate Quentin Tarantino Movie Quiz
Clompa Magdou
2,044 players
Guess the Year Of the Movie
Phoenix Fire
1,979 players
Kung Fu Panda Trivia Quiz
1,776 players
Name the Animated Character (HARD)
1,598 players
Ice Age Lore Quiz
1,448 players
Do You Know This Movie?
1,179 players
Famous Movie Quote Quiz
1,126 players
Name This Movie Character QUIZ
1,081 players
Can You Guess the Horror Movie From One Screen Grab?
1,012 players
Guess The Disney/Dreamworks Character
1,004 players
The Lord of the Rings characters quiz
978 players
Rom-Com Quiz! Romantic Comedy Trivia
900 players
Test de El Señor de los Anillos (Libros y Películas)
843 players
The Ultimate Alien Movie Franchise Quiz
Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) Trivia
822 players
2000s Horror Movie Trivia
807 players
Faking It: Can You Match the Real Name to the Actor Name?
786 players
Marvel QUIZ 2
764 players
Which Movie Won Best Animated Feature?
759 players
Pirates of the Caribbean Trivia
701 players
The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit QUIZ 1
671 players
Can You Guess the Movie From the Establishing Shot?
595 players
Famous Voices in Animation Quiz
583 players
Which Animated Movie Has The Highest Rotten Tomatoes Score?
563 players
Movie Trivia! (easy)
Carlyn Gillis
556 players
How Well Do You Know Dune? Trivia Quiz
541 players
The Ultimate Goofy Movie Quiz
Brandon Marcus
525 players
The Monsterverse quiz
Type three ebihra
522 players
How Well Do You Know Marvel?????
Saadet Bulut
521 players
Mean Girls Trivia
Olivia Eldert
517 players
La La Land Trivia
514 players
Guess the Movie from Emojis!
496 players
The Ultimate Godzilla Quiz
Mickey Mouse trivia studios
490 players
Movies Trivia
Trivia Person
481 players
Can You Guess Which Animated Movie Has The Highest Rotten Tomato...
471 players
Guess the movie by the emojis!!
Angel Girl
463 players
The LEGO Batman Movie QUIZ
443 players
Dreamworks Animation Timeline Quiz
440 players
80's Horror Movie Trivia
439 players
So, You Think You're A Spider-Man Fan?
438 players
Beetlejuice Movie Quiz
Carol cassada
Guess the Movie!
412 players
Kit Mally
399 players
Star Wars QUIZ 5
388 players