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Harry Potter trivia and quizzes
58 Harry Potter quizzes that will make you think. Play solo, 1v1 or a live group competition. 1,133 free Harry Potter trivia questions & answers.
Harry Potter Quiz for 5th Graders
69 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Trivia
34 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book ...
28 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Boo...
17 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix Bo...
20 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire Book Tri...
24 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban Boo...
30 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets Book...
27 players
The Almost IMPOSSIBLE Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone Book T...
Harry Potter Quiz: Are You a True Potterhead?
214 players
Harry Potter (Albus Dumbledore) Quiz - HARD
Dumb Genius
42 players
Harry Potter Guess the Character from a Picture Quiz
Im A Noob
416 players
Harry Potter Quiz: What Does This Spell Do?
206 players
Harry Potter Trivia
222 players
Harry Potter (Quidditch) Quiz - HARD
87 players
Harry Potter and the Tricky Trivia
Nerdy Quiz Maestro
139 players
Harry Potter (Halloween) Quiz - MEDIUM
128 players
Hogwarts Quiz: A History of Hogwarts Trivia Questions
143 players
Muggle or Magic?
Kylie Dallas
368 players
Harry Potter (Spells) Quiz - HARD
226 players
Harry Potter (Marauders) Quiz - MEDIUM
243 players
HP Trivia Quiz
81 players
Harry Potter (Families) Quiz - HARD
217 players
Harry Potter (Hogwarts) Quiz - HARD
278 players
¿Cuánto sabes sobre Draco Malfoy?
Brisa Charroqui
153 players
The Very Difficult Harry Potter Book Trivia Quiz
968 players
Extremely difficult Harry Potter Quiz
Ryan Lim
2,423 players
Harry Potter Characters Trivia
Lilly Winter
552 players
Harry Potter Trivia Questions
Lara Brown
483 players
Harry Potter Quiz: Match the Character to Their Hogwarts House
346 players
Quiz: Guess The Harry Potter Spell
209 players
Harry Potter Finish The Line Quiz
Jennifer H
254 players
Warning: This Harry Potter Quiz is HARD: You're a Wizard, Harry!
261 players
Test Your Harry Potter Knowledge
124 players
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trivia
Olivia Eldert
236 players
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Trivia
133 players
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trivia
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Trivia
207 players
Match These Harry Potter Book Covers To Their Country Trivia Quiz
23 players
Fun Harry Potter Trivia
118 players
Harry Potter - Finish the line Trivia
121 players
I cannot tell lies. How much do you know about Dolores Umbridge?
36 players
How much of a Muggle are you? Test your Harry Potter spell knowl...
58 players
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trivia
108 players
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Trivia
90 players
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Trivia
105 players
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Trivia
462 players
Name the Harry Potter Character
171 players
131 players
The 12 Days of Christmas Harry Potter Quiz
70 players
Jessica Wilder
144 players
Harry Potter Incantation Quiz: Charms, Enchantments, Spells, Cur...
Lydia Ahern
83 players