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Indie Games trivia and quizzes
19 Indie Games quizzes that will make you think. Play solo, 1v1 or a live group competition. 507 free Indie Games trivia questions & answers.
Terraria Trivia: Can You Guess The Weapon?
Im A Noob
84 players
Hollow Knight Charm Quiz
Malik Mueller
112 players
Astral Ascent Quiz
Elliott Dodge
5 players
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Trivia
12 players
The Binding of Isaac Repentance Item Ranks (demo1)
Canal Primos Duarte
165 players
Baldi's Basics Quiz
661 players
The Fancy Pants Adventures Quiz
David Borne
109 players
Undertale Quiz (89 Undertale Trivia Questions & Answers)
875 players
Rain World Trivia
Notii CG
223 players
Pizza Tower Quiz
Ash Z
86 players
Obscure deltarune quiz
Mitja Morari
238 players
Hollow Knight Areas (Demo)
802 players
Hollow Knight Obscure Information Quiz
Max Kemp
338 players
Pizza tower quiz
842 players
Stardew Valley - Easy General Knowledge Quiz
Squelchy T
1117 players
Yume Nikki Quiz
Alonso Gonzalez
58 players
Hollow Knight quiz
TyceAndStella 720
2769 players
Guess the Indie Game
Mr. Turtle
1062 players
Hollow Knight quiz! (what do you know?)
Filippo gao
425 players