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Movies trivia and quizzes
346 Movies quizzes that will make you think. Play solo, 1v1 or a live group competition. 5,422 free Movies trivia questions & answers.
The Muggle’s Vocabulary Quiz of Spells
123 players
Which of these Actor’s Movies has the Highest Score on Rotten To...
165 players
Can You Guess the Celebrity from their Barbie?
770 players
Guess The Disney/Dreamworks Character
Phoenix Fire
1,004 players
Is it a Spell? Or a Shampoo Ingredient?
94 players
Guess the Year Of the Movie
1,976 players
Adam Sandler Movie Quiz
204 players
QUIZ: Can You Name the Sports Movie from a Frame?
101 players
The Best Anime According to Rotten Tomatoes
Which Marvel Movie Has The Highest Score
Mango Turtle
211 players
Dumb and Dumber Quote Quiz
55 players
Illumination Animation Timeline Quiz
145 players
Scarlett Johansson Quiz: How well do you know her?
155 players
Jessica Chastain Quiz: How well do you know her?
26 players
Jennifer Lawrence Quiz: How well do you know her?
68 players
Identify the Actress Quiz
Dragon rex
293 players
Will Ferrell Movie Quiz
134 players
Popular Movie Quote Quiz
6,665 players
Identify the Video Game that Inspired the Movie Quiz
896 players
This Is the End Movie Trivia Quiz
Ezra Abolafya
56 players
Guess the 80’s Horror Movie by Its VHS Cover
962 players
Studio Ghibli Easter Eggs Quiz
143 players
Seth Rogan Quiz
72 players
Movie Actors Quiz: Can you recognize this famous child actor fro...
396 players
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia (Phase 3)
612 players
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia (Phase 2)
736 players
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia (Phase 1)
917 players
3 Truths & a Lie: Which of These Studio Ghibli Characters Do Not...
87 players
Can You Guess the Ghibli Movie Based on Its Alternate Title? (ha...
86 players
Can You Guess the Ghibli Movie Based on Its Alternate Title? (ea...
82 players
Can You Guess the Ghibli Film from the Emoji Summary?
264 players
Can You Guess the Ghibli Movie by its Opening Scene?
175 players
Hood Movie Trivia
311 players
Oscar Mania: Academy Awards Trivia
Indiana Jones Trivia Quiz
298 players
Famous Voices in Animation Quiz
582 players
The Best & Worst Studio Ghibli Films (According to Rotten Tomato...
53 players
Do You Know Film Directors?
289 players
Boxing on the Big Screen: Boxing Movie Trivia
69 players
3 Ninjas trivia!
74 players
Faking It: Can You Match the Real Name to the Actor Name?
784 players
The Lord of the Rings characters quiz
977 players
1980s Movies - Name Them from the Stills
Johnny Blowtorch
125 players
Guess the Studio Ghibli Movie Based on the Landscape
728 players
Match the Actress + Character Name with the Movie
64 players
Can You Guess the Studio Ghibli Movie Based on the Food?
1,507 players
Match the Actor + Character Name with the Movie
173 players
Horror Movie Characters
WolfBoy OMG!!
1,050 players
Can You Name These Famous Actors & Actresses?
Ben You
14,706 players
Guess The Movie
Angel Inarius
262 players
SCREAM Trivia Quiz
David Badalyan
9,700 players
Random Animated Movie Trivia
15,318 players